Thursday, October 20, 2011

Miss Kathy

One of the scariest parts of knowing I had to be a working mom was finding a babysitter. Can I get an amen from my fellow working moms??  I struggled forEVER trying to think of alternatives:  should I be a stay-at-home-mom (months 1-4)? Should Chad be a stay-at-home-dad (months 5-9)? Should I make my parents and my in-laws alternate days so that he can always be with one of us or with one of them? Should I condense my work week so I can have Monday off to have more time with him (current situation)? And then there was Miss Kathy.

Miss Kathy is a babysitter in our area with 15+ years experience, TONS of glowing recommendations, a strict "No Advertise" policy (which means she only takes new kids by word-of-mouth recommendations), a sweet converted basement/play room with everything at kid level and toys and books galore, and a heart of absoulte gold.  We love her. Love.

Even today, after almost four months with Miss Kathy, I still feel that same old Mommy Guilt when I drop Parker off in the morning, but I know that he loves her and he has a great time there. (Not only that, but I know that he loves to play with the other kids, and he gets a hot homemade lunch every day, and he takes a good nap everyday in a quiet environment in his own crib (pack and play) and his own blankie and his own Sleep Sheep. Not that I'm a little neruotic about naptime or anything...).  In fact, I still tell Parker every morning that we are going "to school," just so he'll know that he's going somewhere to learn and play and have fun, and won't have abandonment issues. Ha. (Ok, so maybe I call it "school" more for my own sake than for his).

Anyway, moral of the story:  Sometimes Moms have to work. Thank God for Miss Kathy.  If you want her number -- I might give it to you. Especially if there are homemade baked goods involved in the transaction.


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