Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Tell-Tale Thump

So I have this headache.

Actually, it’s more like a head-thump. Literally, it feels like something is rhythmically pounding in the back of my head, right at the base of my skull.

And it’s not just a sometimes thing. It’s an all the time thing.

Poor Chad and my work wife know that when I make a certain motion with my hand (that, come to think of it, must look questionable if you don’t know what it’s about…) it means that the thumping is so bad that I can’t hear/think/do anything else.

I thought it might be caffeine-related… until I cut back my caffeine to one serving per day and the thumping didn’t stop.

So, even though I’m not a huge fan of going to the doctor…. I broke down and made an appointment. I’m going this Friday, so please y’all, pray that it’s not a brain tumor.

In the meantime, I have WebMD’d the crap out of my symptoms (well, the one overriding undeniably annoying and anti-concentrating symptom), and I’m starting to think it might be stress-related.

Wait… Me? Stressed? Naaaaaaaaah.

Today I was making mental list of all of the things that I’m mildly to majorly stressed out about, and I surprised myself with the amount of things I stress about! So here it is:
  • I'm stressed about my living situation in general. As many of you know, we are in the final stages of buying a house. We are also in the final stages of finding a renter for the place we are in now. The mortgage people and the realtor and the seller always need paperwork signed and returned THAT DAY, and our landlady is a PAIN. Not to speak ill of the elderly, but if you can't remember what you tell your tenant from one day to another, you're probably too old to be a landlord. Just saying. Stress City.  
  • My poor baby has been sick for WEEKS. Constant runny nose, night cough, yucky poops (sorry TMI), etc. Nurse friends -- diagnose him! I just convinced myself (another WebMD over-exertion) that he has a milk allergy, so we are trying out Soy Milk for the time being. Stress County, VA. 
  • I think I overdid it with school this semester. I love my program, but with the new job, new house, new challenges with family, etc., I am finding that I cram all of my work into the weekend -- and that makes the weekend not so relaxing. Stress University. 
  • My well-intentioned husband is a TERRIBLE money manager. And it stresses me out that he has all these huge, expensive (pipe) dreams for the massive renovations he is going to do to the (new, perfectly fine without renovations) house. Can't someone be practical with me?? I know it's terrible to squash his dreams, so I can't do that. I guess all I can do is vent on my blog. Stress.com.
I know that in the grand scheme of things, my problems are relatively few. However, to little old me, it seems like a lot right now. Prayers and good vibes are appreciated, people. Thanks for listening. 

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